Zerina Mukuddem

Zerina Mukuddem
Faces of DBS Primary Special Education Needs Dep

I have been with the DBS family since January 2019 when I decided to have a change from a Clinical Occupational Therapy background to working within Education. I joined the Primary Inclusion team as a Foundation Learning Assistant. I am a qualified Occupational Therapist having worked in schools as part of external clinics for a period of 5 years since moving to Dubai in 2013. This experience exposed me to the school curriculum and the policies and procedures involved in working in a school environment. I qualified in the year 2000 in South Africa, which is where I am originally from, but also worked in the UK for many years , mainly in Care of the Elderly rehab. My passion has always been in child development and coming to Dubai gave me  that opportunity and despite not practicing as an Occupational Therapist at DBS I am utilizing all the skills I have gained to ensure the best learning opportunity for the children I see.

Both my children were born in the UK and currently attend DBS.

To compliment my Occupational Therapy skills I also qualified as a fitness instructor/professional teaching a variety of disciplines such as Les Mills classes, freestyle cycling and circuits, pilates, kids circuits, etc. With these skills I am to provide a fun learning environment for the kids whilst they can still be active.

Considering that I am also a professional baker and cake decorator these fitness skills do come in handy.

I love spending time with people, trying new things and visiting new places. I am a very bubbly extroverted person who loves entertaining. Foundation suits me perfectly as I can be myself, funny and silly at the same time which the kids absolutely love.

Best moment in teaching:

I don’t have a specific best moment in teaching as everyday is a surprise. I used to watch a program called “Kids say the Darndest Things” and everyday in school it is like living the program. Kids make everyday worth it. They say what is on their mind, they are spontaneous and very literal, there is no filter. They bring joy and smiles to school everyday. Teaching is my best moment. I get to see them achieve and grow at an early age and celebrate every little win together with them

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Zerina Mukuddem