A Level & BTEC

A World Class School Offering the British Curriculum

A Levels and BTECs

A Levels and BTECs are British qualifications for university entry studied over a rigorous two year course. Students will study three A Levels, three BTECs or a combination of both. The workload involved in taking four subjects is significant and not in the best interests of the student as three qualifications facilitate entry to the best universities in the world. BTECs and A Levels are equivalent and a Distinction Star (D*) carries the same university entry points as an A* at A Level. Whilst some university courses have specific subject requirements, most have considerable flexibility, so it is advisable for students to choose subjects which they enjoy and are likely to be successful at.

A Level Courses

Most of the 17 A Levels we offer are entirely graded on final public examinations at the end of Year 13, although a few also have coursework elements. GCSE grades are the best indicator of how well students are suited to the demands of formal examinations, so A levels have higher GCSE entry requirements. The details of our A Level and BTEC subject options can be found in the Sixth Form Options booklet.

BTEC Courses

BTEC courses focus on skills-based learning and are designed around themed units. This practical approach allows BTEC learners to develop and apply the knowledge and skills that employers, colleges and universities are looking for in their recruits. BTECs are generally assessed via coursework modules, allowing those who do not show their best in examinations to shine. Current BTEC subject options available include business, graphics, I.T., sport and travel and tourism. The units are graded at pass, merit and distinction and distinction star standard, and tasks get progressively harder as you move through the criteria.

The Options

At DBSEH we offer flexibility for Sixth Form pathways where students can choose a combination of A Levels and BTECs. It is expected that the majority of students will complete the equivalent of three A Levels.

Block ABlock BBlock CBlock DBlock E
BTEC ITBTEC BusinessBTEC Double Business*BTEC Performing Arts*BTEC Travel & Tourism
FrenchArtBusinessMedia StudiesBiology
GeographyA Level PEChemistryPhysicsComputer Science
HistoryEconomicsEnglish LanguagePsychologyEnglish Literature
MathsFurther Maths*SpanishMaths

Our students continue to study at some of the world’s most prestigious universities. Our Head of University and Career Guidance equips students with the skills to use information about their next steps effectively and help them make the right choices for them in their GCSE and Sixth Form Options.